libcommon Directory Reference


directory  amd64
directory  i386
directory  ia64


file  cleanup.c [code]
 Process an IRP_MJ_CLEANUP.
file  sys/libcommon/debug.c [code]
 Debug helper functions for kernel-mode drivers.
file  libcommon/init.c [code]
 Common functions für initialization the WDM and NT4 driver.
file  sys/libcommon/install.c [code]
 Install the driver and check if anything needed is there.
file  ioctl.c [code]
 Perform an IOCTL.
file  isr.c [code]
 The Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) for the parallel port.
file  lockunlock.c [code]
 Functions for locking und unlocking the driver onto the parallel port.
file  libcommon/openclose.c [code]
 Functions for opening and closing the driver.
file  sys/libcommon/perfeval.c [code]
 Functions for performance evaluation purposes - KERNEL version.
file  PortAccess.c [code]
 Functions for communicating with the parallel port driver.
file  queue.c [code]
 Functions for queueung IRPs.
file  readwrite.c [code]
 Perform reading from and writing to the driver.
file  startio.c [code]
 StartIo function for processing the IRP queue.
file  thread.c [code]
 Common functions für initialization the WDM and NT4 driver.
file  util-reg.c [code]
 Some utility functions for accessing the registry.
file  libcommon/util.c [code]
 Some utility functions for the driver.