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7.6 d82copy

d82copy is a fast disk image transfer (both read and write) program for the 8050, 8250 and SFD 1001.

See also d64copy and imgcopy.

d82copy invocation

Synopsis: d82copy [OPTION]... SOURCE TARGET

Either SOURCE or TARGET must be an external drive, valid names are 8, 9, 10 and 11. The other parameter specifies the file name of the .d80 or .d82 image.

Here's a complete list of known options:

-h, --help

Display help and exit

-V, --version

Display version information and exit.

-@, --adapter=<plugin>[:<bus>]

Specify the plugin to use. If you have installed more than one plugin (XA1541, XU1541, XUM1541), you can specifiy which one to use for this command. This way, you can use all three variants at the same time.

This requires an argument of the form <plugin>[:<bus>], where <plugin> is the plugin's backend name (currently: xa1541, xu1541, xum1541), and <bus> is the bus identifier, if it is supported by the backend.

-q, --quiet

Quiet output, fewer messages (also suppresses warnings, should not be used)

-v, --verbose

Verbose output, more messages (can be repeated)

-n, --no-progress

Omit progress display

-s, --start-track=start track

Set start track (defaults to 1)

-e, --end-track=End track

Set end track (default is 77 for .d80 images, 154 for .d82 images).

-t, --transfer=transfer mode

Set transfermode. Valid modes are:

If auto is used, d82copy itself determines the best transfer mode usable with the current setup, and uses that one. Thus, you will seldom want to manually overdrive the transfer mode option.

Note that d82copy currently only supports original mode; thus, either auto or omitting the transfer mode will both default to original.

-i, --interleave=interleave

Set interleave value. This is ignored when reading in warp mode. Default is 16 for transfer mode original, for turbo and warp write as follows:

original     22
Lower values might slightly reduce transfer times, but if set a bit to low, transfer times will dramatically increase.

-w, --warp

Enable warp mode. This is default now; this option is only supported for backward-compatibility with OpenCBM (cbm4linux/cbm4win) versions before 0.4.0.

Note that d82copy currently supports original transfer mode only; thus, --warp and --no-warp are ignored at the moment.


Disable warp mode. Warp mode is usually a good idea for transferring disk images unless you have a very slow CPU and/or bad disk material. Warp mode sends raw GCR data over the bus, which assures data integrity on the PC side and relieves the drive's CPU. Thus, it is unlikely you will want to use that option.

Note that d82copy currently supports original transfer mode only; thus, --warp and --no-warp are ignored at the moment.

-b, --bam-only

BAM-only copy. Only blocks marked as allocated are copied.

-B, --bam-save

Safe BAM-only copy. This is like the -b option but always copies the entire directory track (18, 18 and 53 in double-sided mode).

-d, --drive-type=type

Skip drive type detection. Possible values are: 8050, 8250 or 1001.

-1, --one-sided

Single-sided mode (D80).

-2, --two-sided

Double-sided mode (D82); requires a VIC 8250 or SFD 1001 drive.

-r, --retry-count=count

Number of retries.

-E, --error-map=mode

Controls whether error is appended to the disk image (15x1->PC only). Allowed values for mode are (abbreviations allowed):

d82copy Examples

Read a D82 disk image from the floppy in drive 8 to the file image.d82, automatically selecting the fastest transfer method:

d82copy -2 8 image.d82

Copy the D80 disk image in image.d80 to the floppy in drive 9, automatically selecting the fastest transfer method:

d82copy -1 image.d80 9

Copy a double-sided disk from a 1001 drive 9 to image.d82, only reading the blocks which are marked as used in the BAM:

d82copy -2 -B --drive-type=1001 9 image.d82

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