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7.1 instcbm (Windows only)

instcbm is used on Windows to install the OpenCBM driver.

Please note that the syntax of instcbm has changed considerably in v0.4.99.104 with respect to the syntax used until version v0.4.2!

instcbm invocation

Synopsis: instcbm {[global-options] [plugin] [plugin-options]}*

Where the following [global-options] are possible:

-h, --help

display help and exit.

-V, --version

display version information about OpenCBM.

-r, --remove

remove (uninstall) the driver.

-u, --update

update parameters if driver is already installed.

-n, --nocopy

do not copy the driver files into the system directory. This is not recommended.

-c, --check

only check if the installation is ok. Do not install or uninstall anything.

-@, --adapter=[plugin]

Define the specified plugin as default plugin.

The [plugin] is one of xa1541, xu1541 or xum1541. For each plugin, there are plugin specific options possible.

For the xa1541 plugin, the following [plugin-options] are possible:

-h, --help

display help and exit.

-V, --version

display version information about the xa1541 plugin.

-l, --lpt=*no*

set default LPT port to number *no*. For example, for LPT2, use --lpt=2.

If not specified, or --lpt=0 is specified, use the first parallel port.

-t, --cabletype=*TYPE*

set cabletype to *TYPE*, which can be auto, xa1541 or xm1541.

If not specified, --cabletype=auto is assumed.

-L, --lock=*WHAT*

automatically lock the driver. *WHAT* can be yes (automatically lock) or no (do not automatically lock).

If not specified, --lock=yes is assumed.

-F, --forcent4

force the NT4 driver on a Win 2000, XP, or newer systems (NOT RECOMMENDED!). This option is only available on i386 architectures; AMD64 and iA64 do not support it.

-A, --automatic

(default) automatically start the driver on system boot.

The driver can be used from a normal user, no need for administrator rights. The opposite of --on-demand.

-O, --on-demand

start the driver only on demand.

The opposite of --automatic.

For the xu1541 plugin, the following [plugin-options] are possible:

-h, --help

display help and exit.

-V, --version

display version information about the xu1541 plugin.

For the xum1541 plugin, the following [plugin-options] are possible:

-h, --help

display help and exit.

-V, --version

display version information about the xum1541 plugin.

instcbm Examples

Install the XA1541/XM1541 driver and the DLL on the machine. The driver and the DLL are copied into the Windows system directory, so OpenCBM can be used from every program:

instcbm xa1541

Install the driver, like above. Additionally, specify that you are using an XM1541 cable:

instcbm xa1541 --cabletype=xm1541

Check if the installation was set up successfully:

instcbm --check

Install OpenCBM ready for use with the XU1541 cable:

instcbm xu1541

Install OpenCBM ready for use with the XUM1541 (a.k.a. ZoomFloppy) cable:

instcbm xum1541

Install OpenCBM for all the XA1541, XU1541 and XUM1541 cables at once, making the xum1541 cable the default adapter:

instcbm xum1541 xu1541 xa1541

or, equivalent:
instcbm --adapter=xum1541

Change the default adapter after OpenCBM was already installed:

instcbm --update --adapter=xa1541

Remove the driver including all plugins from the system. You will not be able to use OpenCBM after this command, unless you re-install it. If files were copied into the Windows system directory, they will be removed:

instcbm --remove

After OpenCBM has been installed (with instcbm>), change the parallel port to be used to 2:

instcbm --update xa1541 --lpt=2

Install OpenCBM, directly specifying LPT3 as the parallel port to use:

instcbm xa1541 --lpt=3

Install the DLL and the driver on the machine. Do not copy the files to the Windows system directory, but leave them "where they are". If you use this option, the directory where your files resides must be accessible for the system while booting. For example, network drives, USB drives or FireWire drives are not allowed.

instcbm --nocopy

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